Monday, May 31, 2010

Getting a license in the Eastern Cape must be a breeze

I have always maintained that the worst drivers in our country are the ones with an EC number plate. They seem to just have that special mix of ignorance and incompetence.

Next time you are out on the highway have a look. 

The car driving in the middle of two lanes - EC.
The car changing  4 lanes in Bacchleugh peak traffic without using the indicator once - EC
The little hatch taking up two parking spots - EC
The car coming straight at you up the one way -EC
The car going 55kmh in the fast lane through Midrand listening to David Kramer - EC

I could go on...
 When you see an EC plate - keep a very safe following distance.
I decided however to start recording evidence as to justify my claims.
Here is the first one:
The one person who made it next to impossible for everyone to use the entrance at the Open Day(while there was ample parking inside)

Check the number plate.

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